Carta de la directora sobre totes les petites històries que han construït la nostra revista des de zero i la segueixen construint
gener 2022 / LA COLUMNA
A young(er) EU on the rise
With Ursula Von Der Leyen’s State of the European Union (SOTEU) speech, 2022 was declared the European Year of Youth.This will go in hand with the EU NextGen plan, that focuses on promoting a more active involvement of young generations in European affairs, supported by an educational and professional training for the future of Europe. These initiatives will also work as a countermeasure to the COVID-19 crisis effects, attempting to fulfil the 11 European Youth Goals for a greener, more sustainable and inclusive Europe.
Thanks to pressure from the members of the European Parliament, there will be special attention for those youngsters who lack opportunities and opening a new focus on mental health, as it has been a concerning issue during the pandemic. Additionally, a wide variety of educational plans will be further developed, like the Erasmus+ programme or the European Solidarity Corps. Another aim of the project is to engage civil society in decision-making, as youth participation will now be compulsory in European decision-making. The Future of Europe, European Youth Event and Renew Europe are some events that we can be part of.
The European Union is focusing on undergraduates and graduates as it has never done before, and it paves the way for us who are keen on such matters, to get involved in the institutions. The EU offers a wide range of traineeships and job programmes for practically all degrees, with dynamic opportunities in diversified fields of study.
“The European Union is focusing on undergraduates and graduates as it has never done before […] to get involved in the institutions.”
At a regional scale, we also have multiple ways of participating in these projects, one of them being through the EU Careers UNICAT Ambassadors Initiative. It is in charge of updating the student community of the vacancies that the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) presents with regards to European institutions jobs and traineeships. With the Ambassadors of each Catalan university being the nexus between the Inter University Council of Catalonia, EPSO and the student body.
Thus, if you are interested in experiencing a sojourn in a European international ambience, bear in mind that the EU is interested in young profiles, and as UNICAT Career Ambassadors, we have some recommendations for you.
Think of how your abilities can be applied and reinvent them; be original and fresh. When constructing your professional and academic profile, take into account that it will be necessary to have a Europass CV, and the best tip we can give you to improve it is to be active and to show your motivation. Get enrolled in projects and activities so that you can gain experience and knowledge.
“Think of how your abilities can be applied and reinvent them […]”
Social media is one of the most useful tools as well, we suggest you follow EU official accounts and search European profiles and institutions websites; remember it affects your algorithm. In addition, In order to be up-to-date, subscribe to the state newsletter that gives weekly updates about the vacancies.
In a nutshell, we want to encourage the student community to get involved in European projects and to have confidence and hope, as we are given tools and opportunities in one of the most memorable and important stages of our lives.
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