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special edition / Eutopia Week UPF 2021
Top 5 opportunities for students in Eutopia

“Networking and engagement are like investments that you make in your career, the more you invest, the better are the returns in the future”
Before European university alliances came up in 2019, student engagement and student bodies were majorly unilateral, extending across a single university or nation. The rise of transnational alliances expanded the idea of student engagement by aiming to reach a wider range of student bodies and create pan-Europe inter-university platforms for networking. One such alliance, EUTOPIA, stands out among others when it comes to the idea of being student-centric. Through its diverse student initiatives, EUTOPIA has made sure to provide platforms for students from different universities to engage, involve, collaborate and evolve the domain of student engagement. To improve your networking and engagement in student activities, check out the top five opportunities to get involved in transnational student activities:
1. EUTOPIA Student Think Tank (EUSTT)
A young think tank formed by students from different universities of the EUTOPIA alliance, which publishes their articles, thoughts, ideas and research. With the aim to create a platform for students which is inclusive, collaborative, multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary, EUSTT is also starting to organise skill trainings and events for students to improve student involvement in decision-making processes. Besides this, EUSTT also has a representative program that all EUTOPIA students are free to join to boost their personal and professional development. Follow their Instagram and Twitter profiles to stay updated.
2. Warwick Economics Summit (WES)
An annual international forum entirely run by students where talented university students get the opportunity to listen to world leaders with notable past speakers being Nobel laureates, President of the European Commission among others. The summit covers a wide range of topics including economics, social sciences, politics, journalism, and international relations. You can either join the organising team or be an Ambassador/Representative for WES or even just participate in the forum.
3. Student Career Ambassadors (SCA)
EUTOPIA SCA is a group of students from different universities who organise regular career-oriented workshops by working in synergy with professional orientation services. With an aim to create a network of European job and internship opportunities, SCAs also help students to find companies domestically and abroad. You can join the organising team and be an SCA for your university or attend the workshops to know career opportunities in Europe.
4. Student-run conferences
EUTOPIA enables the students to organise many conferences which incorporate students from all levels of studies. BeEUTOPIAn conference is an annual international conference which you can be a part of either by being the organiser or by attending it to listen to debates on hot topics and challenges and scenarios linked to them. ICUR (International Conference of Undergraduate Research) is another two-day academic program which focuses on fostering connections between undergraduates. Besides these, there are many other theme-specific student conferences organised regularly.
5. EUTOPIA Student Council
As part of its governance structure, EUTOPIA also has a student body that has representatives for all partner universities of the alliance. It is a central space that discusses relevant matters related to student life in EUTOPIA universities and takes important decisions impacting students. Student leaders from partner universities are welcome to join the council to make an impact on the future of student life in European universities.
Students family picture at the opening ceremony of Eutopia Week UPF 2021
All relevant information related to these events and many other student initiatives can be found on the new EUTOPIA website. Explore the opportunities and connect with a diverse student community of more than 240,000 students of the EUTOPIA alliance!
This content is part of our special coverage of Eutopia Week in collaboration with the Alliance. Learn more here
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